Friday, 7 August 2020

Our myth about animals

Our myth about animals
Ni hao bloggers, we have been writing our myths about animals and mine was about how lizard can camoflage, we had to do the planning and then write about our animal like how the character could do something or looked like. 

We had to plan first on our books before we could do it on our chromebooks. On our chromebook first we had to plan like how our character acts and how another characters act and we also have to write the main setting. We had to write how our animal was like before but we don't describe the like after. Finally I can now write the story down about how the lizard can camoflage after the plan. The story was like the lizard used to be bright and slow, also it was easy for the others to recognise the lizard where it was. The lizard was much more worse than the vine snake. Soon the lizard was just walking in the jungle when the vine snake chased him. The lizard lost brightness, ran fast and was green in colour so nowadays the lizards can camoflage. 


  1. Hi and I did this

  2. Hi Brayden, Its Daniel.

    I really liked your blog post about you animal myth. What was your favourite part, also what made you pick "How Lizards Camouflage"?

    I also really liked your photo. I almost thought it was just leaves! This is a really good blog post.

    Maybe next time you could add a link to your story. Also maybe you could add some more photos of lizards.

    Thank You for sharing this amazing blog post. Keep it up!
    If you would like to visit my blog go to


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