Friday, 7 August 2020

The Wonder Project

The Wonder project

Hi bloggers, on 29/7/20 we have been doing the Wonder Project. We are going to make a rocket and a man on a paracute will drop on the ground slowly. 

First we had to write down our names and start our project. Second was we had to get our tags and write our person that we were going to be and I was a designer. Thirdly was we were going to watch a video and prove we were ready. Later we will be going to make a rocket using water as soda. The fifth event was we were going to start making the rocket and when we are done. We will start to press the button and launch off. As we do one event, we will put each sticker on our paper. We keep putting our sticker which has a W on it's circle and when we get to the blast off we will be ready to launch our rocket and then a toy man will start to paracute from a rocket to the ground.

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