Sunday 22 November 2020

Skateboarding 1


Guess what we did today, well fortunately school-work but instead of maths which is tedious how about skateboarding, it is a great experience for you. 

On the 20th of november, we have been skateboarding for two sections this day, each section is around 40 minutes and that means we have skateboarding for about 1-hour-and-20-minutes. This was my first time riding a skateboard and I wasn't that good that time, well... I was actually good at skateboarding and also I was the fastest, when it was time for a game, we played a game which I don't know what it was called. The rules were that when the person was skateboarding and he or she looks back you have to freeze otherwise you have to move back 4-spaces, OH NO whoever was the fastest got to be the wolf, on the first round, I was 1st place but I did not want to be the wolf so someone named Brittnay who was second place was the wolf. This time I got caught but again I came 1st, at the end we got to play and do the stunts we wanted.

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